Opening of S14 – Łódź bypass

As of 7 July 2023, we have the first big city in Poland with a complete high-speed bypass. We concluded supervision over the S14 - Western Bypass of Łódź section from Łódź Teofilów to Słowik (national road 91).

As of 7 July 2023, we have the first big city in Poland with a complete high-speed bypass. We concluded supervision over the S14 – Western Bypass of Łódź section from Łódź Teofilów to Słowik (national road 91). 

The road was made available to drivers after its ceremonial opening, which was attended among others by Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk

The entire Łódź bypass consists of 4 roads: 

It is 122 km long and the last section we completed was 16 km long. 

The contractor for the task was Chinese company Stecol Corporation. 

Autor: lafrentz
Data: 25.04.2024