Lafrentz Consulting

Lafrentz Consulting

We are part of the Lafrentz Group, specialising in investor supervision and construction project management in the areas of road infrastructure, building construction and renewable energy. Our work combines adaptability and commitment, offering effective solutions and an innovative approach in every project, supporting sustainability and ensuring that your company’s investment project is implemented smoothly.

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About the brand

About the brand

We ensure full control and cost optimisation of your construction project with our comprehensive investor supervision service, including the role of Substitute Investor and all-round administrative support. By using our expertise, opinions, assessments and audits, you can be sure that every aspect of your project is managed with the utmost care so that you can enjoy a peace of mind and the confidence of a soundly executed investment.

About the brand
Large buildings


In the area of infrastructure construction, our speciality is implementing key projects that have transformed the landscape of Polish infrastructure. Our portfolio features projects with a significant impact on improving traffic and safety, including the construction of the tunnel under the Świna River, the A2, A1 motorways, and express roads such as the S1, S11, S6. Our experience and involvement in infrastructure projects means that your investment will be handled with the greatest professionalism by a team of experts. The use of innovative technical solutions will further increase the benefits for your business.


Large buildings

The management of construction contracts for large buildings is another key area of our operation, involving the supervision of the correct execution of works and the coordination of the construction process between all parties involved. We use proven management methods to ensure that projects are completed on time and on budget. Our team of experts in construction law, cost estimating and project management ensure that every aspect of the contract is clear and that the implementation is smooth and undisturbed. With Lafrentz Consulting, you gain a partner who will not only understand the specifics of your project, but also provide the necessary advice and support to maximise the value of your investment.



We are involved in the development of renewable energy sources, contributing to investment projects that support sustainable development and a green future. Participation in wind and solar power projects highlights our commitment to promoting clean energy. With our experience and expertise, we are able to provide comprehensive support in the planning, implementation and management of projects that are not only environmentally friendly but also economically viable. We want to deliver innovative and viable solutions, sound opinions and optimal measures so that your investment not only helps protect the environment for future generations, but also brings you real value.


Management of key investments

We effectively manage key investments, turning ambitious visions into real success stories. Our strategy is to combine innovation with experience. We have participated in the construction of motorways, express roads, bridges, photovoltaic farms and shopping centres, among others.

Management of key investments

Accounting for EU funds

We optimise the process of accounting for EU funds, ensuring maximum financial efficiency. Our expertise is your advantage in EU-supported projects.

Accounting for EU funds

Experience in the public procurement market

Thanks to our experience in the public procurement market and the help of our experts with in-depth knowledge of the relevant legislation, your project gains a solid foundation. Professionalism and precision are our key to success!

Experience in the public procurement market

Our completed projects

Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Popowo Borowe – 2MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Wojciechów – 1MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Kończyce2 – 1MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Hucisko2 – 1MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Turowo – 14.7MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Kończyce1 – 1MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Drzeńsko – 3 MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Zapluskowęsy – 2MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Hucisko1 – 1MW

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Construction of a photovoltaic farm in Wiązownica – 1 MW

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Anna Jędras

Lafrentz Consulting Director

Contact details of Lafrentz Consulting

ul. Kamiennogórska 22, klatka B, 2 piętro, Poznań
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Please write to us. Our expert will contact you, answer your questions, and present a personalized offer.

    Please write to us. Our expert will contact you, answer your questions, and present a personalized offer.

    Executive office

    ul. Kamiennogórska 22
    Wejście B, II piętro 60-179 Poznań

    Telefon: +48 61 867 40 50
    Asystent Zarządu
    +48 668 512 517

    Field office addresses