Lafrentz Energy

Lafrentz Energy

With Lafrentz Energy, you get a trusted partner who understands the importance of investing in clean energy. With us, your investment in RES not only becomes economically viable, but also helps build a sustainable future.

Check our service offering

Your energy partner

Your energy partner

Lafrentz Energy is an expert in renewable energy sources. We have experience with investments in wind, photovoltaic and hybrid farms, as well as in the development and design of energy infrastructure. We are involved in a comprehensive energy transition, including hydrogen transition and energy storage. Our work is based on synergy and a commitment to the future, which allows us to deliver projects that not only match global environmental trends, but also contribute to regional economic activation. Our team will provide you with full support at every stage of your project, also with obtaining funding.


Your energy partner

Your land, our energy.

If you own land that is ideally suited for a photovoltaic farm, don’t wait! Get in touch and discover how together we can transform your site into a source of green energy. At Lafrentz Energy, RES specialists provide comprehensive support at every stage of the investment project, from feasibility analysis to project implementation. Your property has the potential to contribute to clean energy production and benefit not only you but also future generations. Invest in the future – with us. Write to us at

What kind of land are we looking for? 

  • area over 2 ha; 
  • width at least 50 m; 
  • undeveloped, not overshadowed by trees; 
  • land category IV, V, VI, wasteland; 
  • without adopted spatial development plans; 
  • located at least 500 m from residential buildings, nature conservation facilities, forest complexes; 
  • with access to a public road; 
  • with proximity to a power line or transformer station. 
Your land, our energy.

Strategy for the future

At Lafrentz Energy, we are not only involved in the development of photovoltaic or wind farms. We also develop energy transition and performance strategies. We participate in interdisciplinary teams developing circular economy strategies and changes to spatial development plans. We are working together for a cleaner environment and safe energy today and tomorrow.


Strategy for the future

Support for sustainable development

We are your advisor at every stage of project implementation. We make sure that your project runs smoothly and successfully from the first to the last stage. We search for sites for development and secure them with purchase or lease agreements. We prepare comprehensive analyses and studies, draw up fact sheets, organise tenders and help obtain funding.


Support for sustainable development

Green energy experts

Lafrentz Energy is a team of experienced experts who can help you find the solution that best matches your needs and expectations. Our focus is on continuous development and on the use of modern solutions, including site mapping with our proprietary method. Our services are directed at local authorities and businesses needing support in their energy transition and wanting to reduce their energy costs.


Green energy experts

Our completed projects

Photovoltaic farm Włosienica 3 MW

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Photovoltaic farm Jastrowie 8 MW

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Photovoltaic farm Kąkolewice 40 MW

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Photovoltaic farm Trzynik 65 MW

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Photovoltaic farm Porąbka 140 MW

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Gabriel Kobierski

Dyrektor ds. Kontraktów

Biuro Lafrentz Energy

ul. Kamiennogórska 22, klatka A, parter, Poznań


Please write to us. Our expert will contact you, answer your questions, and present a personalized offer.

    Please write to us. Our expert will contact you, answer your questions, and present a personalized offer.

    Executive office

    ul. Kamiennogórska 22
    Wejście B, II piętro 60-179 Poznań

    Telefon: +48 61 867 40 50
    Asystent Zarządu
    +48 668 512 517

    Field office addresses